
Julie Proud
Superintendent/Secondary Principal

The Secondary department of Calvary Chapel Christian School serves students from Sixth through Twelfth Grade. There are approximately 250 students enrolled with two classes per grade level. In addition to their core curriculum, students have several choices for elective courses, such as Art, Choir, Guitar, Multimedia, Graphic Design, Marketing/Advertising, Hands-on Science Labs, Yearbook, Robotics, Strength and Conditioning, Foreign Language, and Musical Theater.

Bible instruction is considered part of our core curriculum and is given priority as the central focus of our school. Chapel for middle and high school students is held weekly and consists of student-led Worship and excellent teaching by guest speakers or staff members. There is an emphasis placed on Community Outreach and Missions giving every student the opportunity to put into practice all that they are learning in class.

At CCCS we intend to edify and prepare your child through:

  • Spiritual study and mentorship

  • Building a strong academic foundation and knowledge base

  • Helping students to function well socially and to be aware of the culture around them

  • Giving them the opportunity to learn the lessons offered through competitive athletics

  • Assisting them in discovering and honing their talents through the fine arts and other extracurricular programs

We offer an award winning athletic program, including Football, Volleyball, Track, Basketball, Softball and Baseball. Physical Education is a required part of the program for each student.

One local vendor noted “We can immediately recognize CCCS school kids from students at any other school; especially the teenagers. CCCS teenagers are so polite and friendly and extremely well mannered compared to any other group of kids.”

We are excited to meet you and share more about Calvary Chapel Christian School.


In selecting classroom textbooks, both Christian and secular publishers are considered. It is recognized that Christian publishers provide a distinctive Christian perspective, especially needed in the social and physical science areas that have been so strongly influenced by humanistic philosophy.

Publishers currently being used include ABEKA, Bob Jones, Positive Action, Saxon, McDougal Littell, Write Source, and Concordia. The NIV Bible is used in the elementary grades and the New King James Bible is use in grades 6-12. Trade books used in the reading and literature programs may not necessarily be written by Christian authors, but are taught from a Christian perspective.

Secondary Curriculum / Publishers 

  • English: ACSI; Daily Grammar Practice; Norton Anthologies of World, American, and English Literature

  • History: Abeka: BJU Press

  • Math: McDougal Little; Abeka (Consumer Math)

  • Bible: Positive Action; Purposeful Design; Summit Ministries; ACSI; Bethany House

  • Science: BJU; Apologia (Marine Biology); Holt, Rinehart, Winston (Environmental Science)

  • Health (High School): Ignitia

  • Spanish (High School): Holt McDougal, Rinehart, Winston

Course of Study

CCCS provides a graded course of study for grades K through 12. Provisions are made for periodic evaluation of courses of study and for revision in order to keep pace with societal and educational change. Curriculum development reflects CCCS statements of philosophy and purpose, and is based on reliable findings from the sciences dealing with child growth and development, and learning. The methods of instruction are those which promote inductive learning through exploration and discovery, inquiry and interpretation, critical thinking and creativity. The goal of the entire school effort is to achieve proper and adequate development of the students in terms of academic learning, spiritual growth, and healthy social and physical performance.

For more information on courses offered, contact us.